Installation in the group show UnTied Notions 2012 Design Hall Telefonplan Stockholm
Lill Marit Bugge and Örjan Wallert performance
Online magazine of contemporary art
ID:I Gallery shows “Untied: Notions”
Published November 1, 2012
Artist Driven galleries are now an important part of the Swedish art infrastructure. In fact, they seem to have become more important over the years. The largest art fair - Supermarket - run by a group of artists , and in many Swedish cities , the artist-run galleries and project accounting for cultural renewal . What we have heard , however, criticism of the artist-run exhibition spaces , a criticism to the effect that most concerns buddies showcasing each other or if a preserve for the artists who do not fit in the tough commercial gallery scene. Maybe it was some truth to this sooner , but hardly nowadays.
Contemporary artists move freely between the commercial , state-sponsored and artist-run scenes without much trouble. Rather, it is that what you want to show that determines which scene you choose.
If anyone perchance still harbor prejudices of the kind just described should ID: The Gallery's anniversary exhibition " Untied : Notions " definitely convince otherwise. ID: I now have the opportunity to work with an independent show producer , Anne Klontz , which have been beneficial, not only for the anniversary exhibition, but the gallery's operations in general. Not that it was unprofessional before, but the professionalism in the presentation of the exhibitions has been raised several snap recently. It is a model that even some commercial galleries tried with good results. Unfortunately , the concept is difficult to finance , which is a shame because the free gaze often see things that neither artist or organizer can be expected to detect.
The regular space of ID:I on Tjärhovsgatan on Södermalm in Stockholm is the closest to a hole in the wall, and will not work as a showroom for a great anniversary exhibition with almost 40's participants. Therefore, they have temporarily renting space in the College's premises at Telefonplan. A stroke of luck , it turns out . Artists who had previously been able to look at the ID: I in a small scale will now be able to be out in the crowd properly. And as they do so.
Christian Rieloff and Arni Gudmundsson shows two steady male sculptures with bushy mustaches made of female pubic hair, a snappy posts in gender debate (top). Helene Hortlund allows its organic sculptures hover over exhibition visitors' heads, at once beautiful, fascinating and a tad uncomfortable because their idiom testify processes that cannot fully control (middle picture).
Many of the works in the exhibition delivers impactful contemporary political commentary, as Nils Claesson's so-called Pudas box where visitors are invited to sit down and hunger strike for any purpose, or Stefan Karlsson's gay porno wallpaper (bottom ) which, with its decorative patterns games attract the viewer closer until you discover what is really going on the wall ...
And then there are practices of artists /works that simply felt good to be scaled up in size, as Örjan Wallerts graphically stringent installation or Betrice Hansson's wall artwork , an objet trouvé playing with transparency / opacity in a decorative way . There is no good reason to forgo a visit to the " Untied : Notions " . Go there , and feel the creative energy that is the artist-run galleries' lifeblood!
Address: LM Ericssons väg 26, Telefonplan/Stockholm
The exhibition runs during the period 26/10 - 2/12
Anders Olofsson (text and photos)